Unique Sweet Wheat Headband decorated with little pompom handmade "Mitpachat", Head Covering, Scarf, Tichel, fashionable and so comfortable.
Can be wrap once, two, or three times around your head!
This "Mitpachat" is worn to show some hair.
The fabrics are comfortable and made from original quality soft jersey.
This particular mitpachat is shaped like a bandana and is easier to tie, it's very comfortable and very popular.
This basic bandana/scarf can be worn every day or on Shabbat,
It's the perfect hair covering headband and mitpachat.
Size: 180cm./30cm. (70'x12')
Our head covering will make sure you get lots of compliments!
* Handmade
* Easy on easy off
* Top quality fabrics
* Prettily wrapped
* compliments guaranteed.